BZU Merit List 2021

BZU Merit List 2021 [All Department Merit]

Here is the BZU Merit list MA/MSc. Bha Uddin Zakriya University Multan offers Ungergaraute, Master, MPhil, And Ph.D. Master admission will be started after the BZU 2021 Result and Undergraduate admission will be starting after 2nd-year result. BZU admission are still open till 1 march 2021.

The Merit List of BZU date is 2nd March 2021. Here on you can check the merit list of all departments, MA/MSc.

The merit system of BZU is different for different departments. Some department takes the test for admission. All Detailed discussed in this article. You can also ask a question in the Comment box.

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BZU Merit List

Here is the BZU Multan Merit List 2021 for all departments. Check your merit position from we update the merit list officially. Most probably every department displays a 3-4 Merit list. If we talk about bzu merit calculator it varies from department to department. we will add further in the department section of the Merit list.

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BZU Merit list MSc Chemistry

Chemistry Department of BZU or Institute of Chemical Sciences BZU Multan. Offers Ungergatude to Ph.D. courses. Here we divide merit list accordingly.

  • BZU Merit List Bs Chemistry
  • MSC Chemistry Merit List BZU
  • Mphil Merit List Of Chemistry
  • Ph.D. Chemistry Merit List

Biological Sciences Department Merit List

Biological Sciences BZU Offers different programs.

  • Zoology Merit List
  • Botany
  • Biotechnology Bs

These are the three disciplines of biological sciences offered by BZU Multan.  You can check all updated and admission details here. All information will be updated here on a single post. this will help you to get instant information and a new list and candidate selection.

BZU Merit list English

English Language department merit list is here, we can divide the merit list accordingly like bzu merit list bs English. This department also offers different courses in the English Language as well as English Literature. These courses are from undergraduate level to doctorate.

Computer Science Merit List

Department of computer sciences BZU Multan Also offers a variety of modern courses and program in most modern field Computer sciences here is the bzu merit list bs computer science. all merit list 1st merit list to 3rd merit list is here.

Related:- UHS Merit List

Admission in computer sciences department date varies from course to course.

Engineering Merit List

BZU engineering merit list is department to the department, BZU Offer many engineering courses, Civil engineering, Mechanical engineering, for engineering admission. you must appear in UET ECAT. Meri will be calculated with ECAT and fsc Marks.

Professional degree program of engineering. BZU has SeprateDepartment for each engineering.

Math Department Merit List

BZU Math admission will start in September and Bs math and MSC Math merit list will be available here.

BZU LLB Merit List

Gilani Law College BZU Multan Offers LLB, LLM Here is the Merit list of Gilani Law College BZU Multan. Check your name and share it with friends and family. This is an honor to get admission to BZU.

Submit your fee in your department, Before the due date. Otherwise, the next student or merit awaiting student will be considered for merit. this is the admission rule. Follow the admission and merit rule of the university. The same rules apply to the main campus as well as subcamps.

BZU Multan offers admission once a year. other BZU Campuses likeLayyah And Vehari Campus also follow the main campus and offer admission one time a year. if you have a question or need help, ask in the comment box I will reply to you. Best of Luck. For the Latest Education Updates keep visiting


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