How can I Prepare for Medical Test at Home?

Well, a majority of students join academies to prepare for their medical tests while the rest remain at home because of different reasons. If you want to prepare at home, you would have to be very dedicated. Academies give everyday motivation and practice, but at home, you are the person responsible for keeping yourself motivated and dedicated. You can prepare National MDCAT at home if you seek proper guidance at your college and prepare your subjects a bit stronger than the others in F. Sc. Some points can help you prepare for medical tests at home.

  • Determination and Motivation
  • Availability of knowledge sources
  • Reward yourself
  • Self-assessment
  • Revision

Determination and Motivation

First of all, you have to be determined and motivated. Several things will divert your mind. For example, you might want to use social networks for getting entertained or some friends may call you for an outing. Such negative impacting things will always compel you to leave your studies, but you must remain determined in your purpose. Remember, it is very easy to get motivation, but it is very difficult to keep yourself motivated. So, stay focused and let things be your obedient.

Availability of knowledge sources

The other essential element is the knowledge sources. Gather a variety of books that are highly recommended by our experts and toppers for medical entry tests. Always correlate the topics with the syllabus provided for medical tests. Concern different authors’ views and make a comparison between them. This will help you improve your concepts well.

The other important source of knowledge is the internet. Numerous platforms provide enough material for the preparation of the medical test.

You may also find some plate forms that provide live interaction with teachers. So, online sources will help you prepare in the best way.

Reward yourself

It is an understandable point that studying at home is sometimes hard because lots of things divert you. One way to study consistently is by rewarding yourself. You can set that I will eat my favorite dish tonight as I complete the task of the day or I would hang out with my friends only if I finish my tasks of the day. You can also reward yourself in any other way that gives you inner satisfaction, but the only intention should be the reward for remaining perseverant towards studies.


Along with your preparation at home, it is necessary to test yourself once a week. There are a lot of websites that provide self-assessments along with their lectures. This helps in understanding the level of preparation currently going on. So, keep visiting such websites and keep preparing and growing.


Once you are done with your courses preparing them at home, you must keep a revision period for all the subjects. You would have observed that you forget the previous content as you move on which is all because of no revision. Thereby, do keep some time for revision.

Finally, it is a bit hard to study and prepare for medical tests at home, but it is never impossible. The above points will always help you in domestic preparation.

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